Dog Ear Publishing

Author Kit

AUTHOR KIT - Technical Specifications

Technology & Dog Ear Publishing

Operating Systems

Dog Ear Publishing can accept files created on Windows, UNIX, Linux, and Macintosh operating systems - the file format itself is what is important. Word processing files from MS Word flow seamlessly into our system (see Fonts note below), any other word processing software should have the file saved to an RTF (Rich Text Format) file.

Note that most page composition and art drafting done by Dog Ear will be done on the Macintosh platform. This means that, if necessary, your files will be converted for use on a Macintosh.

During conversions, fonts may be changed; sometimes moving files from one OS to another, or from one software program to another, can cause changes in the look of files as well—this is especially true for art files where rules, tints, and other elements may not display in the same way once they have been converted.

IMPORTANT: For this reason, it is essential that PDF files or printouts you receive are checked for accuracy. This gives us a visual reference so that we can be sure the integrity of your original files is maintained when we begin working with them.


Adobe Type 1 PostScript fonts from Adobe will be used in the production of your book. However, Microsoft systems (MS Word) don't come preloaded with Type 1 fonts, but rather True Type fonts. Utilizing the Microsoft / True Type fonts is fine for creating your manuscript - UNLESS you want us to use the exact font used in your originating manuscript in the final book. In these cases we will try to find the closest comparable Type 1 font.

"Non-standard" True Type fonts (such as Symbol and WingDings) that come preloaded with most Windows systems are not always compatible with Dog Ear or the printer’s systems. Therefore, these fonts should be avoided if you want to see what the font will look like in its final form. Please let us know if you want the font choice used in your manuscript recreated in your final book files, and we will attempt to find a similar Adobe font.